It was nice to see everyone back to training after the Holiday Break!
Bruce was all smiles and his usual "kidder" self :-)))

And we were ready to ride

We signed in and all were accounted for....
Including our sweep Grant, Far Right>

We rode in a straight line at times....

And other times we did not. Actually this might have been the last time before Corkscrew that we were aware we had a sweep....Hmmmm ...details to follow.

We stopped for a lunch and enjoyed the sights of Spring....

We re-grouped for a photo....AND....Could it be?
Could it be, someone was MISSING??

OY VEY,,,Where is our Sweep... Where is Grant?

Where is the list...that infamous list? ....yes...I've got it...

Hello Operator, I'd like to make a collect call....yes I'll wait.

Grant darling where are you? You OK?
He was OK...and all was good....
Grant caught up with another group....
Before or after the lunch turn...

One last stretch and "pit stops" before we get back.